Vetting form list

Kenneth Albert Burgess   California

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Burgess, Kenneth Albert

Nativity Date: 05/20/1959   Age: 64
Location: Summit, Union, New Jersey

DL/ID Number: A1204447
Issue State: California

1412 Sunrise Parkway
Petaluma,California 94954
County: Sonoma

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 12/08/2021

Position applied for: County Coordinator, Vetting member, IT member, Juror

State of Application: California

Current Position: County Coordinator, Ombudsman Chair
Previous Positions: Ombudsman Chair, IT Chair, Procedures Chair.

Background Info
Prior Military Service? No

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? Yes, but no charges

Arrest Details

Over 20yrs ago in Colorado, I forget the exact cause, but no formal charges.

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

I have tried to lead a very clean life, but have had a few bouts of mental challenge up to about 10yrs ago when I realized that I had been dealing with some very serious chronic medical issues all through my life that had directly impacted my thinking during that time. Since then, my focus has been to resolve/restore my health/thinking and not fall into the same series of bad decisions that I had made in the past. Currently, I am doing well and feel that I am well on the path to fully restoring my health and looking to get back into productive projects and work.

My goal of life has always been to better the world.
I first started with studying psychology, and quickly got bored with it as no real facts, and areas to produce results.
I then went into math and physics as the root sciences to understand all the inherent patterns of the world from which I might be able to derive a thought process and methodology to effect real change in whatever I do. I did not have the brain for all of that, so I dropped down into the natural sciences thinking to go into Chiropractic, but got frustrated with the idea of another 4 yrs of school, so settled into Computer Engineering as a good compromise of information systems, engineering, and solving real problems.

I worked at NASA-Ames Research Center doing IT project management and they grew into Organizational Development, so see my skillset as a combination of the 2.

I should have a pretty clean record, no DUI’s (do not drink/drugs), no abuses, a few traffic tickets long ago, and some debt from the 2000 era.
I hope that nothing else pops up.
Thanks, Ken.

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, but don’t use them.
Social Media Accounts

hardly ever used.

use mainly for viewing, few posts


Ref is a Family Member
Known for life
Contact Name
Cindy Burgess Cosbey
[email protected]
Phone: (415)577-3436
Ref is a Friend
Known for 10+yrs
Contact Name
Sharon McComb
[email protected]
Phone: (707)778-7477
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 10+yrs
Contact Name
Susan Hull Bostwick
[email protected]
Phone: (707)815-5926
Assembly Position:Ombudsman member.
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 2yrs
Contact Name
Bryan Dozzi
[email protected]
Phone: (530)692-9235
Assembly Position:County Coordinator on Yuba.
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 2yrs
Contact Name
Julian Rivera
[email protected]
Phone: (530)627-3414
Assembly Position:County Coordinator on Humboldt.
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


You do not have permission to do that You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that
You do not have permission to do that

Background Check


You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Birth Certificate

You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Additional Files


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Additional Comments

I am currently Ombudsman Chair, but I think that I will be stepping down soon so that I can more freely participate w/in Vetting, IT, and more.
Ombudsman is good, but it is like a set of shackles that I agree to put on to be impartial, and does not help me contribute in the ways that I would like, thus I am wanting to get started in other areas and would like this vetting to allow me to manage at least Vetting and IT assets, and possibly Chair if the opportunity comes forth.
I know that you do not want to Vette for prospective positions that are not in place, but just letting you know if this can help your work down the road.

Sorry for taking so long to get this submitted.
I had thought that my prior vetting’s/BG checks were still valid and have been very tied up w/health/life during these past few months.
I have a NJ State copy of my BC, but that is a pdf doc, and your system only takes image files, let me know if you need something further.
I do not want it to be saved.
Best to you all,
Thanks, Ken.

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