Vetting form list

Lily Alice Bostwick   California

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Bostwick, Lily Alice
Maiden/Alias: Aliases: Sonomalily, Sonomalillie, Lili, Nickname: Lil

Nativity Date: 07/31/1976   Age: 47
Location: Walnut Creek, Contra Costa, California

DL/ID Number: A9924411
Issue State: California
Email: em.notorpobfsctd@kciwtsobylil
Alt email(s): moc.oohayobfsctd@kciwtsobylil, moc.duolciobfsctd@13kciwtsobylil

1467 Trombetta St
Santa Rosa,California 95407
County: Sonoma County

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 05/07/2022

Position Applying For: [paf]

Position applied for: Backup Signatory and Recording Secretary

State of Application: California

Current Position: Sonoma County Coordinator (interim)
Previous Positions: State Treasurer, Minutes Committee Chairwoman and Vetting Committee member o

Background Info
Prior Military Service? No

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? No, never arrested

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

My father started a church in 1973 called The Church of Divine Man and the Seminary called The Berkeley Psychic Institute, (BPI) where I grew up as a psychic child learning metaphysical teachings. When I got older, I taught teenage meditation to other children my age. I was then brought into the family business at age 18 where I was ordained as a Bishop in the church and served in that title for almost 15 years. I was on the board of directors where I held the position of Secretary and Minutes Taker for about 8 or more years before claimed retirement. I do occasionally give private psychic readings when requested but it’s very rare.

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, I actively use them.
Social Media Accounts

old twitter account was Sonomalillie


True Social

I started a blog on Stubstack for treasury before I stepped down attempting to blog about my official position.
I am planning opening up an instagram account soon.

Ref is a Co-Worker
Known for 11 years
Contact Name
Karina Joseph
Phone: (559)310-6391
First American Home Warranty
Santa Rosa California 95407
January 2013-February 2017
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1 yr 7 months approximately
Contact Name
David Harra
Phone: (831)345-6693
Assembly Position:Ex-Back up Signatory and interim Treasurer, State Recorder
Ref is a Family Member
Known for 46 years
Contact Name
Susan Bostwick
Phone: (707)815-5926
Ref is a Friend
Known for 40 years
Contact Name
Solomon Landerman
Phone: (917)755-7793
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1 year
Contact Name
Dee Yates
Phone: (209)327-7164
Assembly Position:Ex-The Business Assembly Chairwoman and Vetting Committee Chairwoman.
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


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You do not have permission to do that

Background Check


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You do not have permission to do that
You do not have permission to do that
You do not have permission to do that

Birth Certificate

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Additional Files


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Additional Comments

I am applying for an Assistant Director position with the Peacekeeping Task Force. I appreciate this opportunity and your acknowledgment of my skills for this position. Lily

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