Vetting form list

Natalie Renee Snedaker   Pennsylvania

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Snedaker, Natalie Renee
Maiden/Alias: Beals

Nativity Date: 12/18/1969   Age: 53
Location: Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania

DL/ID Number: 22181030
Issue State: Pennsylvania

265 Chase Avenue
Hallstead,Pennsylvania 18822
County: Susquehanna

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 09/10/2022

Position applied for: Continental Marshal

State of Application: Pennsylvania

Current Position: Food & Medical Provisions Committee, Assembly Notary
Previous Positions:

Background Info
Prior Military Service? No

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? No, never arrested

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

First, I am assuming the previous question regarding if I have had any arrests other than traffic citations; that answer is no.. But, on 7/9/2022.. I was falsely arrested by defacto Trooper Anthony Spegar-Pennsylvania State Police, Troop R, Gibson.
I want to go in hot on Trooper Anthony Spegar, Troop R, and the courts. They’ve been strategizing an attack on us for some time. Spegar was also sexually ‘inappropriate’.. But worst of all, I can tell my husband is still reeling from the incident. This predator needs to be off the streets. I know he did what he did to not only upset my husband more, but to let me know ‘he’s in charge’. Additionally, in the uncut video you could see that whenever my husband would yell or say something to them, if Spegar turned to address him he would put his hand on his gun – that man is a liability. I could also tell that the other two Troopers, eventually, seemed quite uncomfortable about what transpired and almost embarrassed by Spegar’s behavior. I actually felt a little bad for them when I watched it. But they should have spoken up; especially Nederostick (sp?), especially if he is truly a supervisor. The silver-lining, at the end we noticed both Troopers were looking through my paperwork and reading the notices on the car, finally. Maybe it planted a seed. But Spegar, he stood there looking rather proud of himself.
I’ve attached a ‘Creative Video Presentment’ documenting his Perjury by AOPC and Criminal Trespass. I have the raw footage and original documents should they need to be reviewed.

With that being said, when defacto seized our car, my purse, wallet, keys etc were left in it. I was told I had to pay the tow bill then I could get the car or come anytime to get my personal belongings. But that our vehicle was in ‘evidence lock up” at the barracks? I said I will not pay the tow bill, in fact Anthony will be after he fixes the window; then he can return our car to our home. My husband has since gone to the Gibson barracks and retrieved my purse & personal belongings, but they refused to return my keys; which includes our house key, real estate office key, spare keys to our other vehicle, etc.
I know not to step foot in their courts or voluntarily & knowingly anywhere in ‘their jurisdiction’. After Spegar hit me with 8 bogus citations back in November, 2021 in which I responded in the form of a letter to the judge, and a letter with my fee schedule and a very large invoice to Spegar; I knew they were strategizing a plan to close in on me. They moved the court date from December 8th to January 20th. Then later the docket stated ‘summons canceled’. I was not going to attend and I had sent in my response. Looking back, I should have responded again. Because undoubtedly, they held it in my absence, in which to find me guilty of all charges, in which to use to suspend my license. I later receive a ridiculous letter from The Commonwealth of PA Dept of Motor Vehicles demanding I return my license and all my ‘license products’ and if I didn’t have them in my possession, I am required by law sign a letter of affidavit stating as such, then send some receipt to the Licensing Bureau and if I don’t do these things they will send the PA State to Prosecute me under article blah blah blah. It was laughable, so over the top, oozed in desperation AND State Police do not prosecute. They must really think I’m half brain-dead. Hallstead is a tiny town and I worked for Mess’s Title & Tag for 5 years and seen many of the same people many times, and I’ve read tons and tons of restoration letters. They are very generic ‘you have a year suspension due to this citation..’ etc. I’ve seen customers with multiple DUI charges whose restoration letters were just as generic; none of that over-the-top crap. They wanted receipts- wrong. They wanted me to sign an affidavit -um, try again. They wanted me to return my DL over a supposed 3-month suspension? They wanted me to respond that I am in receipt of the letter and, the finale, they wanted me to return said ‘license products’? What, give Penndot my SD plates? No, they were fishing for my PA plates that were on the car when we went to DC. Additionally, the letter already had a WID number on it? That means a payment of some type has already been made. I think they were attaching my DL number to someone else’s charges; and big ones at that. Lastly, you’ll notice in the video Spegar gloved up almost immediately, he kept insisting I step out of the car. I said I would not and repeatedly asked if I were under arrest, each time it’s the “you’re being detained” over a “traffic violation”. Then just hand me my ticket, no? He just wanted to be able to search for any contents in my car (DL) and it’s obvious to me he had an already locked & loaded AOPC. His leading charge, ‘resist arrest/other law enforcement’? He WAS going to use DC that a-hole! I did nothing in DC nor did I even witness anything that ‘supposedly’ happened; I was on the opposite side. Now we searched recently and noticed the bogus warrant & that I have been placed on the ‘FBI watch list’ because of DC. What a laughable joke. I’m sure they just placed me on some FBI-ish looking site all to intimidate me. I have been fighting them “administratively” with “Motions to Dismiss with Prejudice based on lack of Personal and Subject-matter Jurisdiction”. I keep sending the same or similar motion(s) on like a weekly ‘auto-drip’ via USPS and have published my motions/documents/letters on public record using my Youtube channel and Facebook page. They keep resetting an arraignment date.

Second, regarding civil cases; after our tire shop folded (2014) & my divorce (2015) I accrued a ton of debt that I have not scratched out of as of yet. I have credit card & student loan debt. Some of the credit card companies have pursued legal action.
Additional identities -my first marriage my married name was Natalie Renee Smith. I have no club affiliations that are political in nature; business memberships only (Pennsylvania Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors) and my real estate license is reciprocal in both Pennsylvania & New York.

Lastly, I do not know if following & subscribing with online patriots is considered “club affiliations”? If so, I am a member of Simon Parkes -Connecting Consciousness, Dr. Charlie Ward -Insiders Club, The Mel K Show, David Nino Rodriguez, Scott McKay- Patriot Streetfighter, Nicholas Veniamin, TheBigVirusHoax, My Patriots Network,, whatever blog I can find Juan O’Savin & Sheriff Richard Mack -I joined the CSPOA POSSE and took his classes. There may be a few others I am forgetting, that list is large.

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, but don’t use them.
Social Media Accounts

* Facebook =

Telegram =

Twitter =

Instagram =

* The only account I use fairly often

Ref is a Friend
Known for 36 years
Contact Name
Kristin Keiser
[email protected]
Phone: (610)442-5132
Ref is a Boss/Manger
Known for 26 years
Contact Name
Master (Pastor) Thomas (karate instructor -nickname PR) Richards
[email protected]
Phone: (570)629-1773
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church/Pocono Tang Soo Do
Tannersville, PA
Ref is a Family Member
Known for 52+ years
Contact Name
Paul Beals
[email protected]
Phone: (410)829-7187
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1 year
Contact Name
John Bisset
[email protected]
Phone: (717)479-0658
Assembly Position:Food/Medical Provisions Committee
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1 year
Contact Name
Chris Evans
[email protected]
Phone: (814)592-9516
Assembly Position:Ombudsman, Sheriffs’ and Land Patent Committees
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


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Background Check


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Birth Certificate

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Additional Files


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Additional Comments

Defacto all across the county have been using DC to entrap people -all because of jurisdiction is my guess. In theory that would be ‘foreign’ soil. But, I’m going to take it a step further. At that time, I’m guessing DC was already ‘purged’, ‘vacant’ ready to be taken back & reclaimed. I believe some of the people present on January 6th were actors & military that were peppered around us, a “mock” Revolutionary War was scripted and everyone there reclaimed our country. If that is the case; I am so thrilled and honored that I was a part of it. Also, the brilliance of it all. Any defacto weaponizing January 6th by and using ‘jurisdiction’ is back-handedly exposing themselves as being aware that they are foreign agents.. It’s fabulously brilliant!! I’m tempted to send my defacto cohorts letters asking them if they’re registered with FARA.
Question, if my guess is correct, what does that mean for all the people in DC whose feet were the first ‘boots on the ground’ to re-claim that soil?

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