Vetting form list

Dayna Lyne Hale   Kansas

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Hale, Dayna Lyne
Maiden/Alias: Martin, Randall, Davidson

Nativity Date: 10/19/1981   Age: 41
Location: Winfield, Cowley, Kansas

DL/ID Number: K00562516
Issue State: Kansas

1809 East 15th Street
Winfield,Kansas 67156
County: Cowley

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 07/03/2021

Position applied for: Co-Coordinator, Recorder, International Notary

State of Application: Kansas

Current Position: Interim Co-Coordinator, Interim Recorder
Previous Positions:

Background Info
Prior Military Service? No

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? No, never arrested

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

i was born a Martin, Adopted as a Hale. Married and divorced by the defacto as a Randall, Married by defacto as a Davidson, Marriage will be declared dissolved via filing on the LRO as a National. It has been dissolved by separation for 6+ years now.

i have had a charge brought against me of contempt of court with the sentence stayed. i had missed a court date for a debt, due to a family emergency. The judge initially excused it after i explained and apologized. The debt attorney refused the apology. He went on a rant stating that the mere fact i was in court for a debt meant i had contempt for the court for wasting the courts time by refusing to pay the debt. The judge asked if i was there to pay the debt, i was unable to at the time so she went with the attorney’s plea to find me in contempt and stayed the sentence. i was never arrested. It happened in the court room and i have never been given any paperwork of it, which makes me wonder if it was a fear tactic. i was unable to pay the debt at that time as i was a stay at home mother. My now ex husband didn’t allow me access to the money for bills of mine.

i have had a couple of minor traffic infractions 10+ years ago.

i have had to defend myself and family in court over our homeschooling at least twice. I successfully defended those cases on my own.

There was a restraining order via “Protection from abuse” against my last husband, brought on by myself for myself and children.

In April 2017 my 16yo minor child was investigated, arrested for and charged. During the investigation, i required that he have an attorney present at questioning, which severely angered the detective. In retaliation he placed my daughter in protective custody placing her in foster care. In November 2017 my minor child plead guilty and was sentenced to 3 years in jail and other stipulations. He is now over 21 and has served his time still complies with those stipulations.

In May 2022 my daughter was statutorily raped. The officers literally caught the perpetrator in the act and he had been arrested and is out on bail awaiting trial.

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, I actively use them.
Social Media Accounts
I have old accounts that I never use, I am not even sure if I could log into them on: Twitter, Instagram and Myspace and LinkedIn.
I briefly had a snap chat account for my kids but I deleted that years ago.

Ref is a Friend
Known for 5ys 10mo
Contact Name
Terry Anson
[email protected]
Phone: (620)446-2558
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 40+ yrs
Contact Name
Dana Hale
[email protected]
Phone: (620)388-3470
Assembly Position:State National
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 35+ yrs
Contact Name
Andy Hale
[email protected]
Phone: (620)388-3714
Assembly Position:State National
Ref is a Family Member
Known for 5+ yrs
Contact Name
Danny Bradley
[email protected]
Phone: (620)218-9272
Ref is a Friend
Known for 5+ years
Contact Name
Don Hickey
[email protected]
Phone: (620)660-2141
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


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You do not have permission to do that

Background Check


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You do not have permission to do that

Birth Certificate

You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Additional Files


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Additional Comments

Why are we using the defacto methods of ID verifying? The drivers license and birth certificate are all part of the fraud we are working to refute.

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