Vetting form list

Jeffrey Michael Wilde   Wisconsin

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Wilde, Jeffrey Michael

Nativity Date: 05/28/1955   Age: 69
Location: Oak Park, cook county,Illinois

DL/ID Number: W4304335518808
Issue State: Wisconsin
Email: [email protected]
Alt email(s): [email protected],harleybro59@gmail,com,[email protected]

C/O E2679 Phylane RD
Lone Rock,Wisconsin 53556
County: Wisconsin

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 11/14/2023

Position Applying For: [paf]

Position applied for: Comma Separated List

State of Application: Wisconsin

Current Position: Temp treasurer
Previous Positions: State national

Background Info
Prior Military Service? Yes
Service Details in table below
Branch Exit Date Time In Discharge type
U.S Navy 01/19/1979 4 years Honorable

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? Yes, but no charges

Arrest Details

In 1980 I hit a barricade in the road due to a drunk driver coming towards us. He left the scene and my wife and i drove to the Wheaton Police station to report it. They contacted the driver after a few hours and he came in and denied everything. So they charged me because i said i hit the barricade. There was a court date set but talking to the lawyer just prior the lawyer told me that i didnt need to appear in court. Then one day there was a Dupage County sheriffs notice telling me to come down to the jail. Not knowing what it was all about I went down town in Wheaton Illinois to the jail. That is when they arrested me for failure to appear. Went to court and paid their fine. We found out later that the drunk driver was a very influential person of Dupage County Illinois.

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

none that comes to mind.

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, but don’t use them.
Social Media Accounts

facebook messenger i use for my grandchildren on occasion.

Ref is a Family Member
Known for 69 years
Contact Name
Richard Wilde
[email protected]
Phone: (815)677-6206
Ref is a Family Member
Known for 41 years
Contact Name
Erik Wilde
[email protected]
Phone: (630)338-2877
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 4 years
Contact Name
Paul Dubey
[email protected]
Phone: (262)224-4762
Assembly Position:Coordinator
Ref is a Family Member
Known for 44 years
Contact Name
Joyce Wilde
[email protected]
Phone: (608)425-8127
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1.5 year
Contact Name
Terry Carpenter
[email protected]
Phone: (608)576-1979
Assembly Position:Recording Secretary
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


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Background Check


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Birth Certificate

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Additional Files


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Additional Comments

Held a Top Secret clearance for the Navy.

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