Vetting form list

Steven Brooks Carpenter   Georgia

Contact & Identity Info
Name: Carpenter, Steven Brooks

Nativity Date: 01/04/1965   Age: 59
Location: Fremont, Alameda County, California

DL/ID Number: 054633011
Issue State: Georgia
Email: moc.liamgobfsctd@5691retnepracs
Alt email(s): gro.slanoitanaigroegobfsctd@retneprac.nevets

4548 High Rock Terrace
Marietta,Georgia 30066
County: Cobb

Assembly and Position Info

Record Date: 05/08/2024

Position Applying For: [paf]

Position applied for: Comma Separated List

State of Application: Georgia

Current Position: Counselor of Law/Jural Assembly and Vetting committee
Previous Positions: General Assembly member

Background Info
Prior Military Service? No

Prior Law Enforcement? No

Ever Arrested? No, never arrested

Disclosure statement

Any details applicant may want us to know prior to us finding it. Civil or sealed cases, Additional identities, club affiliations, family or affiliate associations, etc.

Nothing else. I was in Boys Scouts of America growing up. I was in Army ROTC program for one semester in college in California. I own an IT business called SBC Technology Consulting

Social Media
Do you have social Media Accounts?
  Yes, I actively use them.
Social Media Accounts


Ref is a Family Member
Known for 20 years
Contact Name
Sandra Carpenter
Phone: (404)825-2152
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 1 year 3 months
Contact Name
Lucas Miller
Phone: (323)717-5662
Assembly Position:Georgia General Assembly member
Ref is a Assembly Member
Known for 2 years and 3 months
Contact Name
Mike Thompson
Phone: (678)525-8928
Assembly Position:Georgia General Assembly and Vetting committee
Ref is a Friend
Known for 11 years
Contact Name
Eric Schmiedeknecht
Phone: (678)283-7436
Ref is a Friend
Known for 40 years
Contact Name
Greg Wilson
Phone: (719)930-5131
Uploads and Final Comments

Credential Card


You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Background Check


You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Birth Certificate

You do not have permission to do that

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You do not have permission to do that

Additional Files


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Additional Comments

I look forward to hearing back soon about my application and the opportunity to serve the people of Georgia!

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